Kate O'Brien

Kate O'Brien

Name: Kate O’Brien

Medical Title/Credentials: Registered Practical Nurse

IG: @katethenurse

School/Program: RPN Bridge to BScN

Favorite Hobby: Going to the gym, walking my dogs, tennis, snowboarding and swimming

Why did you choose this profession? I have always found science and learning about what our bodies can do very interesting, and I enjoy promoting/teaching and helping people be the healthiest they can be! 

Biggest Inspiration: All women because we don’t get enough credit! 

Current Passion Project: Just working on eating healthier and working out consistently

Fun Fact: I have a black belt in karate 

Do you have any advice for others interested in entering your field? It can be difficult at times and you may question why you started in this field, but just try to remember the main reason and motivation behind you wanting to be in this field. Nursing has a wide variety of options and specialties you will find one you enjoy eventually :) 

Any other piece of advice, motivational quote, or message you would like to share? “A bad day is still a luxury” - Libby Christensen

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