Sophie Rushing

Sophie Rushing

Name: Sophie Rushing

Medical Title/Credentials: Veterinary Student, Future MRCVS ;)

IG: @dogtor.sophie

School/Program: The Royal Veterinary College, Graduate BVetMed

Favorite Hobby: Painting

Why did you choose this profession? I have always wanted to work with all kinds of animal species, and to be a surgeon. As I got older, I found a love for biology and medicine as well as environmental and species conservation. Luckily for me, it all fits together into vetmed J

Biggest Inspiration: My grandmother, she is 100 years old and glowing! She has lived through World War Two and many other wild and crazy situations which have given her some hilarious stories and made her the most resourceful person I know. She draws in so many people with her feisty spirit, her kind heart and her unabashed authenticity. She is the true depiction of perseverance and I am so grateful to have her cheering me on through vet school J

Current Passion Project: My best friend is a writer and I am working on the illustrations for her next book J. I am also proud to be a member of a group of rad vet students who are working on some projects to make the lives of vet students and future vet students a little easier. Check us out at for study tips and much more to come.

Fun Fact: I am a twin J we are polar opposites, he is a lawyer haha

How do you get over the troubled times? I go outside. Rain or shine, nothing grounds me more than fresh air. I figure out the parts of the situation I can control and how best to tackle those. For the things I cannot control, I try not to fixate.

Do you have any advice for others interested in entering your field? If the passion and drive are there, you will fight until you make it. This field tends to fill us with self-doubt, but it’s when we fight those doubts that the magic happens. Every veterinarian has had someone tell them they won't make it.

Any other piece of advice, motivational quote, or message you would like to share? Be kind, you never know what someone else is dealing with.

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