eco conscious

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Here’s to all the special people that we call “Dad”


Whether you are celebrating in person, from afar or virtually, we know that this special day is all about giving back to those that have done so much for us. 


To help you plan for the day, we’ve compiled a list of things that will make your celebrations or gift-giving great for Dad and the Earth!


  1. Service/Activity - Opting to get Dad a voucher or gift certificate for a service or activity is a great way to spend time together. This avoids the risk of getting something they might not like that might end up in a landfill.
  2. Greener BBQs - If your Dad loves to BBQ, consider getting them a high-quality gas grill as opposed to a charcoal grill. Gas grills produce smaller emissions and if properly cared for, can last a long time.
  3. Spend a day outside - If your Dad loves being outdoors, taking them outside to explore nature is a great way to spend quality time together. Appreciate all that the outdoors has to offer together!
  4. Eco-friendly shaving kits - If your Dad is not a fan of a 5 O’ clock shadow, then treat them to a reusable shaving razor kit. Not only do reusable razors help eliminate disposables, but they also look great on bathroom counters.
  5. Meal Plan - Plan your celebratory meals in advance to cut down on food waste and save time. *Bonus Tip - Shop locally for produce and select sustainably raised meats or seafoods to help reduce your carbon footprint.
  6. Get creative with cards - Consider making or sending your Dad a card/e-card and use easily recyclable paper. This shows the effort you put in and will earn you endless brownie points.
  7. Plant a Tree - If your Dad is no longer physically here, but you carry them in your heart, consider planting a tree in their honor. Several organizations across the US have programs that will plant a tree on behalf of someone. Not only can you honor their memory, but you can also give back to the Earth.


We hope you found some gift giving inspiration and ideas to incorporate into your own plans. We wish you all a Happy Father’s Day.


  • Team Mediclo 

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